Heart Health in Romania

Heart Health in Romania

Heart Health in Romania

Cardiovascular disease is impacting Romania’s demographic landscape.

With a hypertension prevalence rate of more than 53% across the Romanian population (WHO, 2021), cardiovascular diseases account for 57% of mortality among Romanians (Bujor et al, 2021).

Fortunately, the disease burden can be reduced through adopting healthier lifestyles, expanding access to primary care, and improving adherence to disease monitoring and management – creating a possible reduction of 39% over the next two decades.

Innovative Self-Monitoring

Introducing the world’s first hybrid blood pressure management device for professional and home-use – The FORA Active P30 Plus.
This innovative device offers both Auscultatory and Oscillometric measurements for versatility, and Cardiovascular-disease detecting technologies such as Irregular Rapid Heart Beat (IRB).

In addition to the clinically-validated accuracy and reliability, the FORA Active P30 Plus is Telehealth-enabled, empowering remote healthcare delivery between professionals and home users.

Discover the FORA Active Plus Now